Our relationship with ourselves sets the tone for everything else in our lives. Nothing flows well if we aren't in touch with and accept our authentic selves. Perfectionism, criticism, and shame steal our joy, passion, and creativity. Invest in your relationship with yourself and get it straightened out because it is the foundation of everything else in your life.
When I accept myself, I am freed from the burden of needing you to accept me.
- Steve Maraboli
Every person has a unique voice and gift to offer the world. If you can't look in the mirror and recognize your amazing greatness, maybe you and yourself need a little relationship counseling.
Drop us a line. We want to help you be your best and most authentic you!
Effective Techniques for Managing Stress at Work
It is easy to conflate self-worth with busyness and productivity, because societal messages indicating this are readily available. Remember the phrase: Are you working hard or hardly working? Messages like this suggest if we’re not working hard then we are lazy. If we’re not producing, then we’re useless. Rest, while necessary for our physical and emotional health can easily be perceived as laziness, lack of dedication, or even entitlement.